November 7, 2018:
Article 4, Sections 1 and 2, were amended to clarify both the number of directors allowed and the terms those directors serve.
Amended Bylaws language:  
Article IV, Section 1: Number:  Except as provided in Article XVL which provides for management during the Development Period, the affairs of this Association shall be managed by a Board of no less than three (3) and no more than nine (9) directors, who need not be Members of the Association.
Article IV, Section 2: Term of Office. At the first annual meeting of the Members and every two (2) years thereafter, the Members shall elect three (3) directors for a term of two (2) years and shall elect additional directors for a term of one (1) year annually, if nominated, up to a total of nine (9) total directors.
April 18, 2019:
By-Laws transcribed from hard copy, reformatted for consistency, grammar, and clarity, and amended as follows:
Article I was amended by creating Section 1 and removing the location, as it was outdated as the original property management company’s address and changes as the property management company changes, and clarifying the association is pre-existing and therefore not subject to the new WUCIOA rules. Non-discrimination language was added as Section 2 and the defined fiscal year was moved here from Article XIV as Section 3.
Article II was amended by alphabetizing the defined terms.
Article IV Section 2 was amended to alternate 2-year terms of 3 officers each year to avoid the whole board coming up for election in the same year. Section 3 was amended to clarify that vacant office positions are filled by remaining board members. Moved Sections 5 and 6 to Article VI, as they pertained to meetings and not selection or term of office.
Article V was amended to allow for election by counting votes on the floor at the annual meeting.
Article VI was amended to include Sections 5 and 6 moved from Article IV, as well as updating Telephone Meetings to Electronic Meetings and clarifying that Action Taken Without a Meeting still need a quorum and will be documented in the meeting minutes of the first meeting following the action.
Article VIII Section 4 was amended to clarify that Committee Chairpersons are appointed officers of the board and are reconfirmed annually with the election of other officer positions.
Article XI Section 2 was amended to recognize operating expenses of the association.
Article XIV amended to remove the definition of fiscal year to Article I and change from Miscellaneous to Indemnification.  Inserted whole new indemnification language.

We, being the five (5) Directors of Foxwood Homeowners’ Association permitted by the By-Laws, have approved the Article 4 amendment by majority vote tallied on October 23, 2018.  The amendment shall become effective at the next board meeting on November 7th, 2018.