Foxwood HOA Board
Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2021
I.  Call to Order and Roll Call
Susanne Towill called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board at 7:05 PM on July 08, 2021. This was an online Webex meeting.
The following board members were present: Susanne Towill (President), Jess Anderson (Welcome), Linda Audino (Secretary), George Barnes (ACC), Eydie Leighty (MyHOA-online). 
Absent: Willie Blackburn (Treasurer), Pat Rowe (Safety), Scott Johnson (Director), Weston Gramer (Director)
We did not have a quorum, so we were unable to approve the June 10th minutes for publishing. 
Online Votes -
Passed Voting Results Report (none failed)- 2021-06-11 to 2021-07-08
Account Name Issue Date Voted Issue Title
Foxwood 12497 6/18/2021 ACC Reroof Request-Pabco Roofing Antique Black
Foxwood 12524 6/21/2021 Acc Paint Color Change
Foxwood 12576 6/30/2021 Acc Paint Color Change
II.  Management Report
  • Staining has not been completed on fencing and mailbox covers. In some places stain was put over dirt. Paul & Ed's has not responded to texts, emails, or calls. The vendor has not been paid yet.
  • We discussed two new issues #12620, and #12621. Post cards will be sent out. 
  • The sidewalks on 175th Way are in poor shape, very bumpy with tree roots pushing them up. There are ADA concerns. Suggestions were made to file a Click-fix with the city.
  • There was discussion about issue #12569. A copy of the report to animal control or written witness accounts would be helpful. 
  • If cars are parking in front of mailboxes during the day, a complaint could be filed with Click-fix in addition to the HOA. 
III. Financial Report
  • We reviewed current finances and budget. Our Operating Balance as of the end of June was $46,084; our Total Reserves was $19,585. Total Assets were $65,669.
  • Only 3 owner balances are due. 
  • We are behind on legal fees, but that will be reconciled as we collect. We have only spent half our yearly budget. 
  • Bark was over budget by $739.
IV.  Committee Reports
Welcome/Social - Jess
  • The Bike Parade for July 4th was held. There were less numbers this year, but the kids had a great time.
  • August 3rd is National Night Out. It will be held in Scott's cul-de-sac; someone is needed to grill. The committee plans to get a bounce house and tables/chairs. The police department will be coming. Some recommendations were made on food and event rentals.  
V.  Adjournment
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM. 
Susie adjourned the meeting at 7:46 PM.
Minutes were submitted by Linda Audino