Foxwood HOA Board
Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2020
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Susanne Towill called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board Meeting at 7:05 PM on September 24, 2020. This was an online Webex meeting. 
The following board members were present: Susanne Towill (President), Kevin Proett (Vice-President), George Barnes (ACC), Linda Audino (Secretary), Scott Johnson (Director), Jess Anderson (Welcome), Eydie and Michael Leighty (MyHOA-online).
Absent: Pat Rowe (Safety), Scott Johnson (Director)
The minutes from the August 20th meeting were reviewed. Jess made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Susie. No one was opposed, and all were in favor to approve publishing of the minutes.
II. Financial Report
  • We reviewed current finances and the budget. As of Sept. 20th, our Operating Balance is $25,971.79 with our Total Reserves at $57,549.95. Total Assets are $83,521.74.
  • Six homeowners have balances due; 2 of those are inconsequential and one is in legal.
  • Expenses are under budget about $10,000, with a few months remaining in the year. Reserves are on track. 
III. Management Report
  • Issue #6035 - This owner was served by mail in July. We can move to the judgement phase on October 10.
  • Issue #9510 - There were some communication problems as the owner of this rental property didn't give property management the correct contact address. After contact was made, some fines accrued as the landscaping cleanups were not done in a timely manner. 
After discussion, Kevin made a motion to not waive charges on Issue #9510, and to proceed with collecting the full amount owed ($1221.61). The motion was seconded by George. No one was opposed, and motion was unanimously approved. Jess will get a photo to check current status.
IV. Committee Reports
  • The number of issues needing approval has settled down. It was decided that when issues are concluded that they will be closed, and removed from the Issues list online. 
  • ACC plans to discontinue the color palette at Benjamin Moore. Colors will be reviewed and adjusted. Hopefully, we can do an online palette like the one available at Sherwin Williams. When completed, the new color palette can be presented to board for a vote. 
  • It was suggested that if people don't get ACC approval for a project, they will need to do it retroactively. 
  • There are tent caterpillars in some trees on 175th. Great Results will be contacted to see if they provide services for this.
Welcome Committee 
  • According to the Covington Chief of Police, National Night Out is canceled in Covington. 
  • After some research, it was decided to table food trucks for now.
  • There will be a Halloween Costume Parade at 3PM on the 31st. Prizes for costumes and treats will be provided. A postcard will be mailed out, and further information will be on the Foxwood Facebook site. 
  • Susie has been in contact with Pat, and he hopes to be back on board soon. The city has some information about doing block watches during Covid. 
  • Susie made us aware that caution needs to be taken regarding fires in green spaces, underbrush, and near dead trees. Track H and along the powerlines are areas of concern. We might want to pursue this with the city. 
V. Old Business
  • The Cedcore Reserve Study has been updated. We are raising the monthly amount we put into the Reserve fund from $545 to $640. Some expenses like the mailbox structures, landscaping, and the fencing split rail were pushed forward from 2020 to 2021. The replacement fence was moved back from 2021 to 2020.
  • The Operations Budget is under budget for 2020 YTD. Because of Covid, we didn't spend money on some community events and bark.
  • There were no major changes in the budget, and dues will stay the same. 
George made a motion to approve the budget for 2021 as presented. Kevin seconded the motion. No one was opposed, and the motion was passed unanimously. 
VI.  New Business
  • Michael created a new tool called the Voting Results Report. This allows us the ability to print a voting report for all issues voted on by the board. 
George made a motion to ratify all unanimous votes taken in lieu of a meeting for year-to-date issues (listed below). Jess seconded the motion. None were opposed, and the motion was unanimously passed. 
  • The Annual Meeting will be held on November 2nd at 7:00. There will be a board meeting after the Annual Meeting. Next year, the Annual Meeting will be the second Monday in November. 
  • There are several open positions for the board, President and Secretary. The Treasurer position is vacant. 
VII. Adjournment/Next Steps
The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting/Board meeting on November 2, 2020 at 7:00 PM on Webex. 
Susie adjourned the meeting at 8:36 PM.
Minutes were submitted by Linda Audino.
Account Name IssueID Date Voted Issue Title
Foxwood 7350 2/4/2020 Tree Removal Request
Foxwood 9524 4/6/2020 Roof Replacement Request
Foxwood 9569 4/15/2020 Roof Replacement Request
Foxwood 9567 4/15/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 9560 4/24/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 9592 4/24/2020 Re-Stain Fence Same Color As In 2010-Redwood
Foxwood 9580 4/24/2020 Deck Repaint Request
Foxwood 9844 5/20/2020 Door Paint Color Change
Foxwood 9844 5/20/2020 Door Paint Color Change
Foxwood 9827 5/22/2020 Garage Door Replacement Request
Foxwood 9828 5/22/2020 ACC Request To Add Stone Facade Accents To House
Foxwood 9929 6/8/2020 Deck Rebuild
Foxwood 9960 6/9/2020 Shed Acc Request
Foxwood 10046 7/1/2020 ACC Roof And Gutter Replacement
Foxwood 10233 7/7/2020 ACC Backyard Awning
Foxwood 10095 7/7/2020 ACC To Add Rock Facade To Front Of House
Foxwood 10238 7/13/2020 Roof Replacement Request And Gutters
Foxwood 10237 7/13/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 10372 7/16/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 10346 7/17/2020 Reroof Acc Request In Driftwood Color Shingles
Foxwood 10336 8/11/2020 Roof Replacement Request And Repaint Same Color On Home
Foxwood 10591 8/11/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 10603 8/12/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 10592 8/16/2020 Roof Replacement Request
Foxwood 10697 8/21/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 10698 8/21/2020 ACC Fence Relocation
Foxwood 10704 8/22/2020 Roof Replacement Request
Foxwood 10687 8/30/2020 Paint Color Change Request
Foxwood 10834 9/8/2020 Add Gate To Existing Fence
Foxwood 10633 9/17/2020 Roof Replacement Request