Foxwood HOA Board
Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2020
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Susanne Towill called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board Meeting at 7:05 PM on May 21, 2020. This was an online Webex meeting. 
The following board members were present: Susanne Towill (President), Kevin Proett (Vice-President), Cheryl Owens (Treasurer), George Barnes (ACC), Linda Audino (Secretary), Jon Owens (Director), Jess Anderson (Welcome), Scott Johnson (Director), Pat Rowe (Safety), Eydie and Michael Leighty (MyHOA-online).
We reviewed minutes from the April 23rd board meeting. Scott made a motion to approve which was seconded by Kevin. All were in favor, and minutes were approved to be published. 
II. Old Business
  • By-Laws - There was further discussion of By-law Amendments in regard to elections of board and chairpersons. We removed the annual length of term, and will get on a staggered cycle so we don't lose the entire board in one year. Jon made a motion to approve the bylaws as described. This was seconded by Pat. All approved motion with none opposed. 
  • Parking/Vehicle R&R's - We reviewed changes made to document, and made some additional minor changes to 3.3.6 and 3.3.5. George made a motion which was seconded by Jon. Motion: We will adopt changes made to Rules and Regulations specific to vehicles and parking. All approved motion with none opposed. Susie will create a cover letter/summary to document areas that were changed. This will be mailed to owners. 
III.  Financial Report 
  • We reviewed finances and budget. Fourteen individuals owe because of dues, fines, and/or interest. 
  • Michael/MyHOA-Online signed our tax return as he is authorized to act as our representative.  
IV.  Committee Reports
Welcome Committee
  • Welcome bags and folders are ready to go for new neighbors. After discussion, we decided the CC&R's and R&R's should be included. 
  • Welcome Committee is still planning a July 4th neighborhood activity. Kids can decorate bikes to ride through neighborhood, and popsicles will be handed out. 
Safety - There is nothing to report at this time.
  • Committee is working on dividing duties so they can streamline approval process.
  • Jon created a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the fence. Susie and George will obtain quotes (Eydie to email out the RFP to 5 companies) and then the board will decide when and if to move forward. There was a motion made by Susie and seconded by Pat. Motion: Once the board reviews, the ACC will proceed with the RFP upon email confirmation, if there are no changes. All approved motion with none opposed. 
  • New monument solar lights were installed. Some graffiti on the back of the monument will be painted with a matching color. 
  • The landscapers mowed under the power lines.
  • Will continue to look into water/power at entrance. Will try to get more information by Nov. annual meeting. 
  • We discussed some expectations for yard appearances.
  • Committee plans to look at bark bids for spring/summer.
V. Management Report
  • Government Proclamation 20-51 has been extended until May 31st. 
  • Votes done by email need to be a unanimous vote.
VI. Next Steps/Adjournment
  • Get changes for two documents out to homeowners, and also to Jess for Welcome Kits. 
  • Read Jon's RFP for fence.
  • Request ACC bids for bark.
Susie adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Minutes were submitted by Linda Audino.